Evan Goodman

Four Ways to Encourage Your Employees to be More Proactive

The true value of a owner/manager lies in their team. (Besides, the more productive and proactive the team, the better the manager looks.) If you run a startup, one of your primary responsibilities is to get your team working at its highest efficiency. Here are four ways you can encourage your employees to be more productive and proactive.

Constructive Feedback

Providing feedback is one of your most crucial tasks. It gives you an opportunity to evaluate the performance of an employee or that of a team. If you list only the negative aspects of the performance, it will dampen the spirit and reduce morale. Remember to always include the positive aspects in your feedback. You could even begin by praising the effort before offering criticism. The feedback should serve as a valuable guide to improve performance.

Always See the Big Picture

Managers or team leaders often tend to be a tad too worried about each and every process rather than see the big picture. If an employee has achieved the result with a slightly different approach, they should be encouraged rather than reprimanded for not following procedure. To enable your employees to be more proactive, let go of the smaller details and focus on the big picture. This will also convey the impression that you trust the employees, which will only motivate them further.

Encourage Learning and Development 

When an employee comes to you seeking advice, try and encourage their learning and development. Guide them in the right direction, while gently correcting any mistakes they may make. From a wider perspective, make it a company culture to encourage team members to learn and develop their skills (particularly from each other). Encourage them to attend workshops and seminars that will improve their technical skills as well as their soft skills.

Allow Employees to Lead the Way

Nothing will serve as greater motivation for your employees to be more proactive than being awarded responsibility. While you remain in charge of the big picture, allow other members in the team to lead the way on certain projects. This provides a perfect platform for employees to showcase their potential and take your company forward. And when other members see their colleagues in a leadership role, they too will turn proactive and aim higher.


A great manager achieves goals with their team by utilizing their strengths and setting a clear purpose. Managers should encourage their team members to do their best and contribute to the group’s progress. When you use techniques such as constructive feedback and encouraging learning, your team can excel.

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